October has been fun. Joe was able to attend an Organ Builders conference in Michigan in the beginning of the month, and it was the first time we have been apart for more than a night. So I was a little lonely but my sister came over and hung out with me most of the nights he was gone so it wasn't so bad. A week after that we went up to Idaho Falls for a Bell Family reunion for his grandpa's 90th birthday on Oct. 12th. It was fun and Joe and I made a family tree on a piece of Muslin (apparently I forgot to take a real picture of it), it turned out pretty awesome.
JOE TURNED IN HIS FINISHED THESIS to his professor in the later part of the month, and has gotten it back with only some very minor adjustments before being sent on to his second committee member (he has 3 that need to pass him off). That has been a huge stress reliever because he has to defend by the end of November to graduate in Dec.
After turning in his thesis we celebrated and went camping with our friends Jenny and Quinn Linford at Nine Mile canyon 19-20th on the Oct. It was a pretty cold night, but Kyra did better than expected and we had fun around the camp fire. It was fun to watch Kyra with the fire because she was smart enough to not go to close but she is also in the stage where she will copy things we are doing so she started to pick up the wood and hand it to Joe to add to the fire, it was pretty dang cute. After sleeping in and having a great breakfast, we went wandering around the canyon looking at petroglyphs (they were everywhere). We also went on a short hike which was fun and pretty (we apparently missed the trail full of petroglyphs and instead walked down a dry river bed up a canyon). We forgot to bring our camera so I will have to put pictures up when I get them from Jenny.
For Halloween we were having a hard time deciding on a quick and easy custom, so the Linfords told us they were going as sesame street characters because they had a collection of sesame street hats and offered us 2. So for our church Halloween party we had a sesame street group and brought sesame street cupcakes (again didn't take a picture). We won one of the awards for best desert and the everyone loved the sesame street group with a best custom to Jenny and Quinn (who actually did more than wear the right color shirt). The next night our friends the Alderk's had a Halloween party where Joe decided to have fun making a cake (he had time because it was on a Sat versus the ward party which was on a Friday), so he spent the majority of the day making an awesome small wedding cake, and then put bloody slashes through it. The best part was that it tasted good too! White cake with a strawberry cream cheese filling and butter cream frosting.
The Sesame Street Group |
Wedding cake |
Halloween cake |
Kyra now loves to wear sunglasses, waves to everyone, says yes and no when asked a question (at least some of the time), loves the playground and isn't too sure what to do when there are kids around so she just observes but loves adults. She is also learning how to share and likes to feed people her snacks. Teeth count is up to 10 which includes 3 molars!
Recent Books:
The Painted Kiss by Elizabeth Hickey- amusing fictional story surrounding an artist in Vienna
Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman- Cute story about a little girl who had a crazy mom
The Inn at Lake Devine by Elinor Lipman- Story about a girl in a jewish family who were denied service at a hotel and her obsession with it
Breath, Eyes, Memory by Edwidge Danticat- Story about a Haitian girl whose is the daugher from a raping
The Choice by Suzanne Woods Fisher- LOVED LOVED LOVED! Story in the amish community- RECOMMEND
The Waiting by Suzanne Woods Fisher- Sequel to previous book...same community different family. Currently reading